Funny how you insult other people by responding
to their reviews. Things like "faggot" and "fucking idiot". Last time I checked you were aiming to get negative attention, but now you seem to resent it. Why can't you choose? Maybe you should stop for a moment and think about what you're doing. Perhaps put this in a new frame of mind. You are a human being, with artistic talent, capable of creating masterpieces, but decided to sacrifice that and piss people off with the same damn joke 20 times in a row. Even the barney bunch's flashes are somewhat different individually. Could it be that you're beginning to get frustrated at your own attempts to derive humor from NG reviewers? I sware, if Tom ever needed to get rid of some bandwidth, this should be the first target. Anyways, this is my last review i'll leave for your pathetically gimmicky and forgettable movies, I hope you leave a long-ass hateful response so you can ironically display the sort of distain that the rest of Newgrounds has for you.